Client Fees

Your Fiduciary

We make investment recommendations after we’ve learned about you through our Discovery Process. We educate you on the choices we recommend so the decisions you make are fully informed. This aligns our interests with yours.


We are, and have always been, a fee-only wealth advisory practice (see our fee schedule below). We do not accept commissions of any sort on investments we recommend. Our custom portfolios are objectively constructed.

Account-Size Range

We invest our resources before we ask you to commit your own. When we mutually agree to work together, our relationship formally begins. Our clients invest from $250,000 to tens of millions through our investment services.


Aggregate Assets

Managed by Advisor


Asset-Based Fee

(Payable Quarterly)

Up to $2,500,000
0.275% (1.10% annually)
$2,500,001 – $5,000,000
0.225% (0.9% annually)
$5,000,001 – S10,000,000
0.200% (0.8% annually)
$10,000,001 – $15,000,000
0.175% (0.7% annually)
$15,000,001 – $20,000,000
0.150% (0.6% annually)
0.125% (0.5% annually)

advanced legacy planning Fee

To create your customized legacy plan and related financial projections (see Advanced Planning Step 4.) MCM charges 0.15% or 15 basis points against your current estate’s value. You may also elect to first understand your future income and estate tax exposures (see Advanced Planning Step 3.) for $9500 before committing to your legacy plan creation. This $9500 charge will be credited against the 0.15% fee should you then decide to create a legacy plan.

Cash Management Fee

For money market, treasuries, or municipal bonds (and a demand deposit option for escrow services), MCM charges 0.30% or 30 basis points. For enhanced yield investments, the standard MCM fee schedule above applies. M&A escrow accounts will also be charged a one time $1000 set-up fee per account.


MCM’s experience for a lifestyle/financial planning engagement typically requires ten hours of dedicated time of which three to four hours is meeting time with clients, and the remainder for analysis, design, refinement, and deliverables. At MCM’s $500/hour rate, a  representative charge will be between $3,000 and $7,000. The actual fee may change based on each client’s circumstances.

comprhensive planning oversight fee

No MCM charges for clients with a minimum of $2 million in assets under MCM’s management. For clients with less than the minimum, MCM will charge $500 per hour for this service unless otherwise agreed.

Friends & Family Referral Program

MCM offers our clients a friends and family referral program. Referred clients receive a 1-year 15%
advisory fee discount. Referring clients receive a 1-year fee discount equal to referees 15% advisory fee
discount. We encourage you to refer your children, your friends and those you know that own businesses.

We Are Second-Opinion 

Portfolio Specialists

Click for our podcast discussing the benefits of a portfolio second opinion